Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Edward Matuszczak
Arthur Køpcke
Matuszczak beklager, at han ikke har fået skrevet, han har haft travlt med at få sendt værker til en udstilling i Boston. Han takker for invitationskortet, som han finder har en pæn grafisk udformning. Han takker ligeledes for anmeldelserne, "den gode mand" har dog taget fejl med hensyn til Poliakoffs indflydelse på ham, måske har de en vis vægt på godt håndværk fra école de Paris til fælles og den tid, de lever i. Han meddeler, at han har talt med Nicolaus og fortæller Køpcke, at han godt kan beholde tre værker på papir i kommission. Alle værkerne på lærred skal derimod retur til ham og sendes på samme måde, som da de kom, eftersom han ellers skal betale told. Han vil gerne prøve at hjælpe, hvis noget er uklart. Afslutningsvis håber han, at Køpcke har haft held med sine seneste udstillinger.
Paris, 6.3.1959
Dear Mr. Kopcke,
How should I start this letter, as I have a very bad conscience
for not having writen to you so very long, do forgive me please.
One reason is the show which I have now in Boston and all the
trouble with the sending of the pictures, and of course also the
’’stage feavre” before an exhibition? - you do understand that.
But though late, please let me thank you for the very nice invi-
tations you have had printed they were done with excellent graphi-
cal taste. Thank you as well for the clippings from the news-
papers, the good man made a small mistake about the influence of
Poliakof on me, the only think in common between us is the école
de Paris of good craftsmanship and the time in which we both live
But it does not really matter. Most important of all is work.
I spoke to Mr. Nicolas and he told me that it would be good to
leave with you three pictures, in case you could sell them, so if
you wish keep three pictures on paper, those which you want. The
pictures on canvas have to retun the same way as I have sent them
to you, if not I shall have to pay customs duty. Will you be so
kind as to send them back to me, if something is not clear please
let me know and I shall try to arrange it. I hope that you had
much success with your last shows.
Very sincerely yours
E. Matuszczak