Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
1959, antagelig ultimo 1959
Hanna Ben Dov, Egon Karl Nicolaus
Arthur Køpcke, Karin Nicolaus
Henvendelse fra Hanna Ben Dov til Egon Karl Nicolaus' kone om problemer vedr. told og et manglende billede. Kommenteret af Nicolaus på sidste side og (formodentlig) sendt videre til Køpcke i København.
Dear Mrs. Nicolaus.
Would you kindly
translate this letter to
your husband ?
I have never encountered
such irresponsibility and
a lack of consideration
for other painters as
with this unfortunate
exhibition. All the
information given me
was wrong. Not only
about the prices, which
made me lose a lot
of money, but also
about the exportation.
I now cannot get
my pictures out because
of the Douane! I will
have to do a lot of
running & spend money
to finally get them out,
and you should see
in what way they
were packed. All
exposed (torn paper
& string) and knocked
about! M. Køpcke will
not go far with this
attitude of neglect. But
the main trouble is
that even if I manage
to get my pictures
out, I cannot get
them, finally, because
there is one picture
missing. I declared
17, and there are only
16! I need my work
immediately to show to
people who want to
see it. I also have
to eat and live, you
know, and I am alone
to fight for myself.
I wrote to Køpcke to
send me immediately
the 17th picture. Am
so annoyed at this
point, that if I don't
get the left - picture
soon, it will cause
this gallery a lot of
trouble amongst parisian
painters. No one will
accept to show in such
a neglecting place.
I am sorry to have
to tell you all these
things, but may be
it is for the good
of M. Nicolaus himself
to be more careful, exact
and responsible in
what he says to other
painters, who live the
same hard life as
himself. Let him help
at least at this point
by writing to Køpcke
to send the other
picture immediately,
and to send it
well protected with
With many thanks,
H. Ben Dov.
Brevet, som er udateret, er skrevet efter afslutning af Ben Dovs udstilling i Galerie Køpcke i september 1959 og efter hjemsendelse af hendes billeder.
- Paris
Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv