Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Udateret, antagelig sommer 1959
Gerard Verdyk
Arthur Køpcke
Verdyk fortæller, at det er en måned siden han modtog invitation til Sabine Hettners udstilling med Køpckes forespørgsel om farvefotografier. Han sender nogle nu, men kunne ikke gøre det tidligere, eftersom han ventede på at få dem retur fra London. Han håber, at Køpcke vil kunne få et indtryk af og lide hans malerier. En af hans venner skal til København og kan måske tage fotografierne retur, ellers vil han gerne have dem tilbage så hurtigt som muligt.
Gerard Verdyk.
Benschoplaan. 27
The Hague
This is my new addres.
Dear Sir.
A month ago I received
your card for the exhibition of
Sabine Hettner. On the card you
were asking me for some color-slides
I send you now some of
those slides. I couldn't send you sooner
because all the slides were in London
And all the time I was waiting to
get them back.
I hope that you can get an
idee of my paintings and I hope
you like them.
Maybe a friend of my can be
over a week or 10 days in Copenhagen
then he can take up the color-slides by
your galery and bring them up again
to Holland. When he cannot I hope to
receive them, as soon as possible, back from
you. I hope you can do something and
that you're interesting in my painting
and that I hear very soon some answer
from you.
Yours Sincerely
Sabine Hettners udstilling i Galerie Køpcke fandt sted i maj 1959.
- London
- København
- Holland
Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv