Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Gerard Verdyk
Arthur Køpcke
Verdyk fortæller, at Lia Grambihler har sendt ham et brev og opfordret ham til at kontakte Køpcke med henblik på en udstilling. Han skulle nævne hendes navn og Nicolaus'. Han spørger om en udstilling kan komme på tale, han kan sende farvefotografier af nogle af sine seneste arbejder. De fleste udstillinger, han har haft, har været i Holland. I 1958 havde han en særudstilling i Paris og snart skal han være med på en gruppeudstilling i Los Angeles. Til april har han igen en separatudstilling i Hofwyck i Haag og senere skal han deltage i en gruppeudstilling på museet for moderne kunst i Haag; sidste gang købte dette museum nogle af hans værker.
The Hague. 7 April 59.
Dear Sir,
Last week I've received a letter from
Lia Grambihler, Paris.
She asked me to make a contact with
your galerie, and mention her name and the
name of the painter Nicolaus.
She thought, that you should be interesting
for my paintings.
So I should like to mke a contact
with you, because maybe it's possible to have
a exhibition or maybe the possibility to buy
some of my paintings.
I can send you some color photographs
of my last paintings.
The most important exhibitions I had in
Holland. in October '58 I had an exhibition
(one man show) in Paris. This spring, mai or juli
I have a group exhibition in Los Angeles
with paintings wich are sold to a gallery in
the U.S.A. The 18th of April I have an other
one man show here in the Hague in the
museum "Hofwyck", and in a while I have
a group exhibition in the Museum of Modern
Art, the Hague.
Last time this museum has bought some
of my last paintings.
I hope to hear soon from you.
Yours sincerely
G Verdyk