Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Gerard Verdyk
Arthur Køpcke
Verdyk har sidst hørt fra Køpcke, at han agtede at vise en gruppeudstilling med en italiener, en tysk maler og med tre af Verduks billeder. Siden den gang har han intet hørt og han spørger derfor, hvad der er sket med hans billeder, hvordan udstillingen var gået, om der havde været interesse for udstillingen om om Køpcke har solgt nogle af hans malerier. Han har snart sin sidste udstilling i Paris og vil derefter gerne gøre noget i Danmark eller Sverige. Måske ved Køpcke noget, men først og fremmest vil han gerne have information om sine billeder, om Køpcke kan gøre noget med dem,
Gerard Verdük
Benschoplaan 27 The Hague
The Hague. Holland 16 april '60
Dear Mister Arthur.
The last thing I heard of you
was that you should make that
group exhibition with an Italian, a Ger-
man painter and my three paintings.
Since that time I never heard any-
thing from you. So here's a little letter
to ask you if there's any news about
my paintings, How was that exhibition
was there any interesse. and what you
are doing now with my paintings? Have
you ??? sell anything
This because, soon I've my
last exhibition. in Paris. the name of the
exhibition is: "Hollandais d'aujourdhui",
it's in the "Salle Balzac" from Galerie Creuze
and after that exhibition I want to do
something in Denmark or maybe Sweden
Maybe you know something, but
at first can you send me any news
from my paintings, if you can sell
them, if you can do anything with
Hope to hear soon from you
Gerard Verdyk