
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Arthur Køpcke


Matuszczak takker for Køpckes brev, som han imidlertid først har fået efter sin hjemkomst til Paris. Eftersom der ikke er ret meget tid inden ferniseringen, skriver han kortfattet om de forskellige ting, der skal afklares, katalog, invitationer, fotografier, betaling m.v. Han gør opmærksom på, at han kalder sig Matu i Paris og vil have det skrevet på kortet sammen med hans fulde navn - men uden nævnelse af hans nationalitet. Han har netop haft en stor vandreudstilling i Polen og har solgt til flere museer. Han vil give besked, om han vil kunne komme til ferniseringen i København og vil sende Køpcke navne og adresser på folk, han ønsker inviteret til den. Han håber, at Køpcke vil acceptere hans forslag og takker ham for hans indsats.


19-jan-59 Edward Matuszczak
svar - 88 rue Bonaparte
Paris, 6e

Dear Mr. Kopcke,

Let me thank you for your kind New Year’s wishes and please receive my best
wishes in return, much success in the devellopement of your gallery and a
good continuation of it’s abstract idea.
Unfortunately your letter got me only on the 15th inst. when I returned to Paris.
As there remains not much time till the vernissage, I shall write in ’’telegraphic"
style. Well, only in your last letter did you inform me about the conditions
of the show, before you only aknowledged its date.

1. - Catalogue : I think that a catalogue without a biography and without
several Photographies, has no value whatsoever. I suggest instead of a
2. - Invitations which will contain:
a - One photography of a painting.
b - A list of my exhibitions. ( I expect that you have received this list from
our friend Mr. Nicolaus, but in any case I am sending it again )
c - Am including a model for invitation.
d - Photography: I have not got a good photo of any of the paintings which are
with you, so could you please have one made. The ’’black - white - grey”
vertical forms , titel ”En Espace” .
3. - The fees for the exhibition, which I have to pay you, please write to
me how you wish me to pay you . Please notice that I am allowed to send
only 20.000 francs from here officially, this is also the sum of money
Mr. Nicolaus told me I’ll have to pay, yet if there is some additional
payment, we shall have to find some unofficial arrangement.

4. - In Paris I expose always as MATU ( the abreviation of my full name )
therefore I should ask you to put on the first page of the invitations
MATU and on the inside page ( Edward Matuszczak, Paris), without
mentioning the nationality, please.
I am sure that you will be glad to hear, that I have now also a big show of my
works, 90 pictures, in Poland. It is a circular show in all the big towns of the
country. It was organised by the "Polish Artist’s Union”. Several pictures were
bought by the museums there.
I shall let you know if I can come to the vernissage to Copenhagen. I shall also
send you some addresses of people to invite in Copenhagen shortly.
I hope that you will agree with my suggestions and expect your news very soon,
you can write in German because I understand it very well, if it is easier for
Thanking you for all the trouble you take, things which can’t be payed, and
hoping that every thing will be O.K.

with kind regards,


Edward Matuszczak

Paris 17 I.1959.




Egon Karl Nicolaus
  • Paris
  • Polen
  • København

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv