
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Arthur Køpcke


Matuszczak er bekymret, fordi han ikke har hørt fra Køpcke om udstillingen og de penge, han har sendt gennem Belgien. Han har heller ikke hørt fra Nicolaus. Han beder Køpcke om at give besked om alt er vel med forberedelserne og invitationskortene, selv kan han ikke komme til ferniseringen, fordi han ikke har fået penge for de værker, han har solgt i Polen. Han har ikke råd.


Paris 30.1.59.

Dear Mr. Kopcke

I am really very worried, as I did not receive any news from you about the
exhibition and the money which I have send to you through Belgium, have you
received it? Also I have not got the visit of Mr. Nicolas who had to be here
now, or did he not go to Paris?
Please, dear Mr. Kopcke let me have your news as soon as possible for I should
like to know if every thing is all right and how the invitations and all
arrangements for the vernissage are. Unfortunately I shall not be able to
go to Copenhagen, as I have expected, for the money I hoped to get from
Poland for the pictures I have sold there but it is not easy to get the money
out, so I can not afford it.
I shall finish now, dear Mr. Kopcke, asking you to answer me as soon as only
possible, please. Hoping that all is O.K. I am yours very sincerely





Egon Karl Nicolaus
  • Paris
  • Polen
  • København

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv