
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Dickson Reeder


Arthur Køpcke


Reeder takker for Køpckes brev, som er blevet videresendt til ham. Han takker ligeledes for avisudklip og oversættelse. Han er chokeret over, at Køpcke endnu ikke har modtaget pengene. Han sendte dem den 22. september, og banken meddelte, at pengene ville blive overført med det samme. Han vil gå til banken, når han er tilbage i Paris, lige nu er de i en smuk, lille fiskerby i den sydlige del af Portugal, hvor der er varmt og behageligt. I mellemtiden kan Køpcke måske efterlyse pengene i sin egen bank.


Albufiera, Algarve
Portugal -
Oct. 29, 1959
Dear Köpcke:
Your letter was forwarded to me here in
Portugal - thus the delay in answering.
Thank you for the clipping and your translation
I was distressed to hear you hadn't yet got the
money as I sent it the 22nd of Sept. or I had
it sent to your bank. A. KÖPCKE, Handels Bank ???
Copenhagen Konto No 17555. I'll have to now write
the First National City Bank of N.Y. on the Champs Elysée
in Paris altho [?] I was assured the money was to
be transfered to your account immeadiatly I have
the receipt with me (by chance) but will write
anyway - I'll probably have to go to the bank
and check again when I return - which will be
another week or 10 days. We're in a beautiful
small fishing village in the southern tip of Portugal
very beautiful, warm and sunny - the rest is helping
us both - Im so sorry about this upset and will
do what I can from here, in the mean time I

suggest you inquire at your Bank about the
transfer of the required sum in francs from my
Bank in Paris - perhaps they can fix it without
any further trouble - The money is there - That I
know - You can reach me here c/o DADI WIRZ .
No. 4 Largo Jacinto D'ayet. Albufiera, Algarve, Portugal.
I hope you can streighten it out in Copenhagen.
Best regards
Dickson Reeder

The address of my bank is The First National City Bank of New York,
60 Ave. Des Champs Elyées
Paris, France

my receipt is called Negotiation Slip dated 22 Sept. 1959




  • Portugal
  • København
  • Paris
  • Albufiera

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv