Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Dickson Reeder
Arthur Køpcke
Reeder skriver, at han er nødt til at få gouacherne. Sidst han skrev, bad han om at få dem sendt til adressen i Vanves. Hvis Køpcke ikke allerede har gjort det, skal han sende værkerne til adressen i rue de l'université, hvor de kan blive. Han har ringet til banken og fået at vide, at pengene er sendt. Så den del af det er nu i orden. Han vil meget gerne have et hurtigt svar om hvornår han kan få billederne. Han er simpelthen nødt til at have dem.
Dec. 7 1959
22 rue de l'université, VII
Dear Köpcke:
I must have the gouaches. The last I wrote
to you I asked you to send them to Vanves-Seine
c/o Krishna Reddy as we thought we were going
to have to move from 22 rue de l'université. If
you havn't already sent them please do so to
the rue de l'université address as we are
remaining here. I again called the Bank and
know the money has been sent to you - So
that part is in order - I would be most
greatful to you if you would answer this
letter as soon as you can as to when I'm to
get the paintings - I simply have to have them
right away. Best regards -
Dickson Reeder