Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Salvador Victoria
Arthur Køpcke
Victoria takker for Køpckes to breve; han er glad for, at hans billeder nu er blevet sendt til København. Han er meget interesseret i at få en udstilling i den nærmeste fremtid, som aftalt med Nicolaus. Som Køpcke ønsker, vil han sende tegninger. Det er meget vanskeligt for ham at angive priser på sine værker, eftersom priserne i Danmark ikke er de samme som i Paris. For at Køpcke kan få et indtryk af priserne, fortæller han, at han netop har solgt 8 værker til Tooth Gallery til 3000 fr. pr. "point". Og nogle malerier i Chicago til samme pris. I Spanien er hans værker billigere. Han vil overlade det til Køpcke at fastsætte priserne, men foreslår 2000 fr. pr. "point". Han har ikke set Nicolaus og formoder, at han er i Hamburg.
Paris 24.7. 1960
Dear Kopcke
I well received your two last
letters and I noticed with satisfaction
that now my paintings were
sent to Copenhagen - thank you
very much.
I am entirely in agreement
to have an exhibition in your
gallery in the near future
as we said with Nicolaus and
I wish I can go to Copenhagen
at this time. I shall send you
drawings as you want -
It is very difficult for me
to give you a list of prices
as the prices in your country are
not the same as in Paris.
By right of indication
I can say you I have just sold
to the "Tooth gallery" (who has
my exclusivity in London)
5 paintings at 3000 Francs
the point. And some
paintings at the same price
at a Chicago Gallery -
in Spain it is sold less
In any case I rely on you
to do for the best of our interests
and to fix prices of my
paintings. What do you
say for 2000 francs the
point for instance?
I did not see Nicolaus
and I think he is again
in Hamburg.
I am sincerely yours
79 rue des Martyrs
Paris (18)