Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Felicia Pacanowska
Arthur Køpcke
Pacanowska takker for Køpckes kort. Hun solgte mange raderinger og en gouache i København til en meget højere pris end Køpcke havde sagt. Efterfølgende tog hun til Holland. Hun sælger gennem gallerier i Paris og Rom og skal måske udstille i Paris til september. Hun er i Rom, hvor hun bliver til oktober; hun vil udføre mange gouacher til de gallerier, der er interesserede i at sælge dem. Hun sender hilsener til Richard Winther.
Ponza 2.9.59
Dear Sir,
I am writing from picturesque île,
near Rome.
Thanks for your two cards.
I was very glad to be in Copenhagen.
I sold many engravings and one
gouache (for the price much higher
than you told me); for privat
and galleries.
So I went to visit Holland.
I sold in Paris and throu Gallery
Schneider in Rome.
Probably, Galerie A.G. in Paris
will exhibit me with the group
in September.
I am in Rome since one month
and till october. Than I shall
prepare many gouaches and
sent to galleries which are inte-
rested to exhibit and sell them.
Please remember me to Richard
My best regards
Felicia Pacanowska
P.S. I haven't meet anybody from
people you told me.