Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
J. Ballanche
Arthur Køpcke
Ballanche henviser til aftale truffet med Nicolaus om en udstilling af Jaquemon hos Køpcke. Udstillingen skal finde sted fra 30. april til 15. maj, og der er betalt 15.000 Fr. Ballanche vil nu gerne vide, hvor mange malerier og hvilke størrelser, Køpcke har brug for, og hvornår Køpcke ønsker, at de skal ankomme. Han spørger tillige, om Køpcke har brug for oplysninger om kunstneren.
Le 7 Mars 1960
Galerie Køpcke
17 Laeder Straede
Dear Sir,
Regarding to the exhibition in your gallery
( organized by Mr Nicolaus ) of the paintings of P.
JACQUEMON, and for which the date was reserved from the
30 th of April until the 15th of Mai, and a cheque of
15.000 Francs given for, in provision. We would like to
know how many paintings ( Size and so on ...) you need,
and when you want to have them delivered to you, and
what are the informations about the painter you want.
Awaiting for these informations, and with the
hope the collaboration between our galleries will be
fructuous, we are,
sincerely yours,
La directrice,
J. Ballanche,
J Ballanche