Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Alexander Donskoy
Arthur Køpcke
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Awaiting summary
Office: Heerengracht 231,
Amsterdam - C
Tel: 241485
Galerie Köpcke,
Laederstraede 17,
C O P E N H A G E N.
Amsterdam, March 8th 1960.
Dear folks,
Herewith I would like to thank you for your invitation.
How is business going. Here in Holland everything is very busy and we're
preparing two exhibitions at the same time.
Would you be so kind to give me the address of Preben Hornung as we would
like to arrange an exhibition of his work in the near future in Amsterdam,
for I believe very much in him, besides having a glass of beer alltogether.
How is Eddy doing, is he working a lot?
I will be in Denmark in the beginning of April and I certainly will not
hesitate to make you a visit.
Please give my dearest regards to all our friends, especially to Krist.
Hoping to see you soon, I remain,
yours very sincerely
Alex. N. Donskoy.