Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Silvano Lora
Arthur Køpcke
Document content
Awaiting summary
Paris 15 Oct.
Dear Køcke
I am ready for the
26 Oct. So I will
arrive the 20 Oct,
but I you still looking
for this place for
do 2 big pictures, more
because I am bring brigen
only 10 or 12 picture
(30 figur). I will send
to you a telegrame
so by this way yoe
you cant help me
with the transport
of the pictures went
I arrive at the station.
Perhaps we cant do
somethin special for
the oppening. We
suth talk about thad
went I arrive.
I hop everythin
is all right.
My best
Loras datering kan tydes som Oct. = oktober. Men det giver bedre mening, hvis han i virkeligheden mener août = august. I slutningen af august 1960 befinder Lora sig i København, hvor han bl.a. indgår i en performance foran Thorvaldsens Museum den 26. august filmet af Albert Mertz under titlen "Hvor er de tyske studenter".
Aros, Arthus Køpckes Arkiv