Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Udateret, antagelig 1960
Janet Fleisher
Arthur Køpcke
Document content
Awaiting summary
Dear Mr. Kopcke:
I am very disappointed
not to have heard from you and
not to be able to reach you by
phone. It is most important for
us to get the return of our
15,000 francs immediately, since
we must make other plans.
Will you therefore be good
enough to send us your check
by return mail.
Very truly,
Janet Fleisher
Galerie Philadelphie
44 rue de Seine
Paris 6
Der var truffet aftale mellem Galerie Philadelphie og Nicolaus om en udstilling af Pierre Jacuemon hos Køpcke. Udstillingen skulle have fundet sted fra 30. april til 15. maj 1960, men blev ikke realiseret.
Brevpapir fra Royal Hotel.
- Paris
Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv