Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Udateret, antagelig efteråret 1959
Hanna Ben Dov
Arthur Køpcke
Document content
Awaiting summary
Dear Mr. Køpcke.
I have the money
ready for Mr. Nicolaus.
But from the day I
write to him until the
day he comes it takes
so long - that I think
you will be here beforehand
and I will be handing
the money to yourself.
I hope there are
some sales, because I
am very very short of
money now, as a result
of many hard circumstances.
Please, do bring
the work back with you.
All of it. Because of my
show in the Tel Aviv
museum this season, and
because of a gallery here,
I will need it very soon.
Am looking forward
to meeting you here.
All my best regards,
Yours faithfully,
H. Ben Dov.
P.S. Thanks for the
Ben Dovs udstilling i Galerie Køpcke fandt sted i september 1959.
- Tel Aviv
Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv