
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Barbara Mohr


Arthur Køpcke

Document content

Awaiting summary


Galerie Köpcke
Copenhagen Paris 27.12.'58
Laederstraede 17

Dear Sir,
I'm really sorry that I didn't
write you before - especially as
I was very glad with your
cards. But it's not too late
to wish you and your wife a
good new year
I hope you did receive the gou-
aches of Bogart, which I send
as of last week, rather late for the

accrochage but evt you put them
in a folio. the prices are about
120 kr. for the small and 150 kr.
for the bigger ones. You better ask
Nicolaus he noticed exactly.
(I'm late because of an abscess
on my right hand that made, up to
about a week ago, the simplest
action quite an impossibility.)
The curious "perforation" in one
or two of the papers result out
of the fact that Bogart did fix
the two parts of the roll after
putting the papers in. He didn't
realize, neither Nicolaus nor I,
that that wasn't so very clever

at least. As for the financial
arrangement I can be short, you
spoke them over in detail with
Nicolaus. He will have told you,
they all hope to be able to pay
you the expenses out of sale
(350 guilder). Van Bohemen wrote
me that in january he will be in
Paris and hand me my 100 gld. over
Van Bottenburg did pay 20 gld.
and promised at the time to send
the rent (80 gld.) by post, for which
I am still waiting.
I am afraid I write a rather queer
english, but I hope it to be under-
standable, or better I expect you
to be a good understander. Nicolaus

often told me about you, he made
me share his interest in the devel-
ments in your gallery and I
really feel like having to do
with it.
It's annoying that the eternal,
(always here, astonishingly stupid)
short of money makes it impos-
sible to come to Copenhagen.

Many kind regards
barbara m. mohr.

c/o Hotel Henri IV
25 place Dauphine
Paris 1er

I don't consider it such a disaster,
but I tell you how it arrived,
it might trouble you. Did he send
you, as his intention was, two or
three paintings for the accrochage?
I wrote van Bottenburg (not Bottin-
brook, but that doesn't matter)
and van Bohemen to remind them
on their appointments.
The latter answered he asked you
for further inquiries, did send you
three gouaches and is going to send
Up to now I didn't hear anything
of van Bottenburg, it doesn't
wonder nor bother me, he's a little
slow, but I hope he did write you.




  • København

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv