Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
1960, antagelig foråret 1960
Raymonde Aynard
Arthur Køpcke
Document content
Awaiting summary
Dear Sir I hear that you are making dif-
ficulties to send our pictures back. I can't
believe it. We were quite regular in our
contact with you, signed six months before the
exhibition, and you can't now deprive us of
our work. I haven't any money now and can't
sell anything if you keep the best part of my
paintings with you. We had a translator
and a lawyer to witness the engagement
with Mr. Nicolaus. I am very surprised
you didn't sell any of my paintings; and
extremely disappointed with all these
very unpleasant entanglements.
Will you please close all this and not
oblige us to go to our consulates and so on.
Kind regards R Aynard
P.S. Mr Nicolaus even promised
us that you would send us back
the pictures at your cost.
Aynard udstillede sammen med Joppolo i Galerie Køpcke i marts 1960. Brevet er skrevet senere, fordi der er tale om, at værkerne ikke er sendt retur. En reception i anledning af Prix Edouard Pignon skulle ifølge invitationskort finde sted den 5. maj. Brevet er derfor sandsynligvis skrevet senere.
Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv