Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Silvano Lora
Arthur Køpcke
Document content
Awaiting summary
Paris 1 nov
Dear Kopcke
I am writing news about
the posibilit comm trip of you
and Mertz to Paris. Also will
like to know if Mertz is going
to send me or bring the film
film. The festival is the 15 nov.
Plase tell him to writte me or
only if it is posible. Oder wise
I will put in the program
my balet "Signalations Corporels"
In any case we cant organi-
ze another extra programe in
the same theatre a week after
the festival wiht some
of his other films.
Not one knows about M
Nicolaus he has not telephone
and he leves outside Paris, so
for see him I have to writte giving
a rendevous - and som most of the
time he with a not answer.
W I hope you are entusiastic
and sell a lot of your pinting
and one of mine.
Iris Clert just show his Armando
"Plain" full of "Merdre", the gallerie
full of dirty things. but any
way I will show with her this spring-
time in her new gallerie at the [???]
St. Honoré. bester regards
to you and good things
for all [???] friends.