Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Udateret, antagelig sommer 1959
Gerard Verdyk
Arthur Køpcke
Document content
Awaiting summary
Gerard Verdyk.
Benschoplaan. 27
The Hague
This is my new addres.
Dear Sir.
A month ago I received
your card for the exhibition of
Sabine Hettner. On the card you
were asking me for some color-slides
I send you now some of
those slides. I couldn't send you sooner
because all the slides were in London
And all the time I was waiting to
get them back.
I hope that you can get an
idee of my paintings and I hope
you like them.
Maybe a friend of my can be
over a week or 10 days in Copenhagen
then he can take up the color-slides by
your galery and bring them up again
to Holland. When he cannot I hope to
receive them, as soon as possible, back from
you. I hope you can do something and
that you're interesting in my painting
and that I hear very soon some answer
from you.
Yours Sincerely
Sabine Hettners udstilling i Galerie Køpcke fandt sted i maj 1959.
- London
- København
- Holland
Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv