
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv

Udateret, antagelig efteråret 1959


Gerard Verdyk


Arthur Køpcke

Document content

Awaiting summary


Gerard Verdyk
Benschoplaan 27.

Dear Arthur.
Last week I received your card
and I shall send you very soon
three oil-paintings for that international
SCH 21-59/ 50 x 80 cm 400.= Danish Crowns
SCH 24-58/ 80 x 70 cm 660.= " "
SCH 26-59/ 100 x 50 cm 550.= " "
When I send them I give other prices
on the papers for the customes.
Now I should like to ask you some
questions. Can you write me as soon
as possible the date when that exhibition
with my paintings starts? I should
like to know it because at the end
of October, November they are going to
printed a kind of book from me and
4 other painters. and when the exhibition
starts before the date that book appears
I can give it up to them and so they
will printed it
In that book are coming 10 reproduc-
tions from my paintings. one of them is
the painting SCH 24-58 wich I gonna send
you, so I shall give a note that it is

in your galery. I think that it is also
good for your galery because they're
going to send those books all over the world
to galery's museums and collectioners.
I hope you write me very soon
something about that international exhibition
with some particularity's, some names from
I hope to hear very soon from you
and I send you my best wishes.

Yours truly

P.S. I've send the paintings as a present for the
customes with a value from 200 Danish Crowns. So maybe
you've to pay some for the customes but
it cannot be much. and you can always
fix it when you sell a painting or so.




Det er uklart hvilken udstilling, Køpcke havde planlagt [se dog brev fra Verdyk til Køpcke fra 16.4.1960]. Tidligere korrrespondence med Verdyk var i sommeren 1959.


Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv