
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Arthur Køpcke

Document content

Awaiting summary


an 20-11-58


Dear Mr. Kopeke ,

Thank you very much for your letter of the 10th
inst. as well as for the card, which arrived to-day, just when
I was about to send you an answer to your first writing.

It was bad news to me that the sh[o]w of my pictures
would not be held on the fixed term, e.g. the 15.11.58, as your
representative - Mr. Nicolaus promised me. I would not have sent
the pictures on such short notice , if I were not reassured that
you will be able to prepare all the neccessary publicity - such
as having the posters and invitations printed - while I should
occupy myself with the transport of the pictures to Copenhagen,
Mr. Nicolaus thought that with your excellent organisation two
days would be enough for the hanging of the pictures. Mr. Nicolaus
should have writ[t]en to you to ask you to postpone the vernis[s]age of
Mr. Reuther till the end of November and so have 5 or 6 days more
before us. I gave him as well a list of some of my previous shows
as a prize [price ?] list.

But lets not cry about spilled milk: Now Mr.
Nicolaus proposes me to have the show of my pictures in your
gallery on the 2nd. February 1959 to the 16th Feb. 1959.
Please , dear Mr. Kopcke, let me know if you agree to it, and
kindly inform me if the conditions which Mr. Nicolaus told me
do hold good. My pictures may stay in Copenhagen till the
spring—six months from the time they left Paris.
I agree to your idea of using this time for
for some commercial publicity of my works. I should ask you
yet to be as kind as to let me know all particulars so that we

we both should have the time to prepare the neccessary. I pro-
pose to send you some more pictures for the show in February,
of course if you only think so too.

By now, you must have got the prizes [prices ?] and other infor-
mation from Mr. Nicolaus, but if you wish to know some more
I shall gladly furnish you with more data. Have you got frames
for the oils on paper? I think that for the Christmass
"acrochage" these pictures on paper might be better, what is
your opinion about it?

I shall finish now, .thanking you for all the trouble
you took and hoping that you will be succesful with all the shows
I am awaiting good news from you , dear Mr. Kopcke, and remain
your’s very sincerely
E. Matuszczak

Prices of pictures:
on canvas: 5.000 fr. - 1 point.
(Oils on paper: the smaller 25.000 fr.
the bigger 30.000 fr.)




Egon Karl Nicolaus
  • København
  • Paris

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv