
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv

Udateret, antagelig efteråret 1959


Gerard Verdyk


Arthur Køpcke


Verdyk har modtaget Køpckes kort og meddeler, at han nu sender ham tre malerier til den internationale udstilling. Han vil meget gerne have oplysninger om datoen for udstillingen, fordi der er planlagt en bog med reproduktioner af hans malerier, bl.a. et af dem han sender til Køpcke. Hvis han kender datoen, kan han meddele det og det vil kunne komme med i bogen. Den skal udsendes i hele verden til gallerier, museer og samlere og det vil derfor kunne være en fordel for Køpckes galleri. Han anmoder Køpcke om at sende ham oplysninger hurtigst muligt, også om de andre kunstere der skal være med. I et P.S. skriver han, at han har oplyst en lav pris af hensyn til tolden, Køpcke skal nok betale noget, men det kan han få ind igen ved salg.


Gerard Verdyk
Benschoplaan 27.

Dear Arthur.
Last week I received your card
and I shall send you very soon
three oil-paintings for that international
SCH 21-59/ 50 x 80 cm 400.= Danish Crowns
SCH 24-58/ 80 x 70 cm 660.= " "
SCH 26-59/ 100 x 50 cm 550.= " "
When I send them I give other prices
on the papers for the customes.
Now I should like to ask you some
questions. Can you write me as soon
as possible the date when that exhibition
with my paintings starts? I should
like to know it because at the end
of October, November they are going to
printed a kind of book from me and
4 other painters. and when the exhibition
starts before the date that book appears
I can give it up to them and so they
will printed it
In that book are coming 10 reproduc-
tions from my paintings. one of them is
the painting SCH 24-58 wich I gonna send
you, so I shall give a note that it is

in your galery. I think that it is also
good for your galery because they're
going to send those books all over the world
to galery's museums and collectioners.
I hope you write me very soon
something about that international exhibition
with some particularity's, some names from
I hope to hear very soon from you
and I send you my best wishes.

Yours truly

P.S. I've send the paintings as a present for the
customes with a value from 200 Danish Crowns. So maybe
you've to pay some for the customes but
it cannot be much. and you can always
fix it when you sell a painting or so.




Det er uklart hvilken udstilling, Køpcke havde planlagt [se dog brev fra Verdyk til Køpcke fra 16.4.1960]. Tidligere korrrespondence med Verdyk var i sommeren 1959.


Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv