Arthur Køpckes Arkiv
Udateret, antagelig primo 1960
Raymonde Aynard
Arthur Køpcke
Aynard har modtaget Køpckes kort, som overrasker hende meget. Hun kan ikke forstå, hvorfor Køpcke venter til sidste øjeblik med at bede dem dele omkostningerne. Det svarer ikke til, hvad Nicolaus sagde. De skrev kontrakten under med hjælp af en tysktalende person og desuden er tal internationale. Nicolaus fik en kopi som han skulle sende til Køpcke, men Aynard har intet hørt. Eftersom invitationskortene ikke er trykt, kan udstillingen formodentlig ikke finde sted som aftalt. På den anden side har de haft besvær med at sende alle værkerne, så det ville være synd bare at sende dem retur. Hun forslår Køpcke at finde en tredie maler, som kunne betale resten. Hun vil sagtens kunne finde en, hvis Køpcke er enig og hvis hun får udstillingsdatoerne at vide. Hun mener ikke, at hendes priser er høje, men siger, at Køpcke kan justere dem i forhold til prisniveauet lokalt. Hun vil meget gerne komme til udstillingen, men vil først have et opmuntrende svar. Afslutningsvis nævner hun, at udstillingen allerede har fået omtale i Paris.
20 rue Jacob Paris 6´
Dear sir
Your card surprises me: I can't
understand why you waited until
the last moment to ask us share
prices, very different from what Nicolaus
told us - we signed the contract in
the presence of a friend speaking
German who translated everything and in any case ciphers are
international and we gave him (Mr. Nicolaus) one
copy of it to be sent to you.
I never received one word from you,
and you didn't say anything about
it to Joppolo when you saw him.
I see that no card has been printed
already? Then nothing can be done
on the foreseen date? But now
that we had all the expenses and
trouble of sending the paintings it
seems very bad form to send them
simply back. One thing would be
better for every body: If you could
find a third painter who would
have the show with us and pay
the rest. Or if you prefer I could
find one easily here but I must
have your agreement and the remove
of the date, necessary to have the
time of sending the other paintings.
As for my prices (I don't know about
those of Joppolo) I am astonished that
you think them high, they are cheaper
than any in Paris - But if you want
to fix them in accord of those of your
counting you can tell me about it -
I would have like very much to come
for the exhibition but I must have before
a more encouraging answer - I am waiting for it -
Truly yours R. Aynard
[skrevet langs papirets venstre kant]
Some publicity has been made here in the press for that
exhibition and I am sure you wouldn't like to be misjuged
Brevet er skrevet inden afholdelse af Aynards og Joppolos udstilling i Galerie Køpcke i marts 1960, men efter at værkerne til udstillingen var blevet sendt.
- Paris
Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv