
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Arthur Køpcke


Matuszczak takker for brev og fortæller, at han ikke har svaret på grund af besværligheder ved overførsel af penge fra Frankrig til udlandet. Nu har han fundet ud af, at han med hjælp fra en bekendt kan sende penge via Belgien. Han gør opmærksom på, at beløbet ikke svarer til det, der blev aftalt med Nicolaus. Det var uden katalog, men som Matuszcak allerede har skrevet, er et katalog uden et forord med biografiske oplysninger intet værd. Nu håber han, at alt går vel og at der ikke kommer flere udgifter. Han sender Køpcke nogle danske adresser og beder ham sende ud, også til hans bekendte Frk. Dolschansky, som har været længe på hospitalet med et brækket ben.


Edward Matuszczak

88 rue Bonaparte
SVAR Paris 25.1.59

Dear Mr. Kopke,

Thank you for your letter from the 19th inst. I did
not answer you before as I went from Pontius to Pilatus to find
a way to send you money, but you have very wrong informations, and
so had I, for it is not allowed to send from France anything even
not thousand franks, unless you have a permission from the "office
d'échange" , but I did not get this permission although I tried
hard. Now eventually I found a friend who can send me the money
immediately through Belgium to Copenhagen. when we counted the
relation between the Danish Cronen and the franc we found out that
before, at the time we made our agreement with Mr. Nicolas, 20.000
francs were about 350D.C. which is now about 25.000 francs, and
this sume I am ready to send you immediately, but 500 DC is 35.700f
and I am afraid it is really not on what I have counted. As you
say things can not be done without money and I am sorry to have this
not cleared up till now. I hope that when Mr. Nicolas was in Copen-
hagen he has affirmed this arrangement between us: of 20.000 f.
without catalogue. Anyway, as I have already writen to you, A
catalogue is completely useless without a good biographical preface,
I am also ready to pay the additional expenses if any on/the invi-
As I lost so much time on this money sending affair, I
will expect that every thing will come out well and all the trouble
you and I have taken till now was not lost. so I am sending you now
through my friend through Belgium 20.000 francs, and ask you to
arrange things so that the exhibition will be a success for you
and me and not cost more than we intended.
I am sending you now a list of danish addresses . Our friend
who came to see you, has broken a leg and stayed long time in hos-
pital and is still inV Copenhagen, her name is Miss Dolschansky,
she gave you her address forgetting to put her name on it, so if
you could also send one invitation to her please.
Please let me Know immediately how matters stand and if you have
cleared the financial point with Mr. Nicolas.
Very sincerely yours Matu




  • Franktig
  • Belgien
  • København

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv