
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv

Udateret, antagelig 1959


Gerard Verdyk


Arthur Køpcke


Verdyk fortæller, at hans ven er kommet tilbage fra København og informeret ham om Køpckes forslag. Desværre kan han ikke acceptere det, da det er alt for dyrt. Desuden har han mange udstillinger i gang rundt omkring. Da han sidste år var i Paris, havde han mødt Nicolaus og Lia Grambihler, som havde fortalt ham, at han kun skulle betale transportudgifterne ved en udstilling hos Køpcke. Det vil han gerne, men først næste år. Han vil selv sørge for tryk af invitationskort, det er billigere i Holland, han vil betale for transporten og Køpcke vil få 33 1/3% af salgsprisen. I mellemtiden kan han sende nogle billeder, hvis Køpcke skulle ønske det.


The Hague
Dear Arthur.
My friend is just back from
Copenhagen and he told me your
propositions, it's impossible for me to
except them, because it much to
And momentiary I'm very busy
with several exhibitions abroad, wich
are all free. for example, October:
The Hague Dordrecht. November: Yugo-
slavie Belgrade. Januari: Rotterdam and before
februari I've to send work to Amerika
for a permanent galerie collection.
So this year I don't have any
time for an exhibition in Danmark.
But last year I met Lia Gram-
bihler and Nicolaus in Paris and they
asked me for that exhibition in your
galerie. they told me the only thing
I had to pay were the expedition kosts.
So I should like to have an ex-
hibition in your galery but not for the
prize you ask me, it's to expen-
I want to pay the printing costs
of my own cards and I want
to have them printed in Holland
because that's much cheaper for
me. Cards with the name of your

galery and so on. furthermore I want
to pay expedition costs and you
can have 33 1/3 % of the profit.
Up to the time of my exhibition
you can have some of my gouaches
or oil-paintings in preservation, of course.
I will send them after your answer
looking foreward to your reply
yours sinserelly

Gevc [?]




De første daterede breve fra Verdyk er fra 1959.

  • København
  • Haag
  • Dordrecht
  • Jugoslavien
  • Beograd
  • Rotterdam
  • U.S.A.
  • Danmark
  • Paris
  • Holland

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv