
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Guido La Regina


Arthur Køpcke


La Regina bekræfter, at han gerne vil deltage i gruppeudstillingen i Tyskland, og meddeler, at han har skrevet til Köln og bedt dem om at sende 22 oliemalerier og 16 papirarbejder til Køpcke. Køpcke kan udtage de værker, han mener er bedst egnede til udstillingen. Med hensyn til udgifterne foreslår han, at de deles. De øvrige værker kan Køpcke sælge, han vil få 33 %. Priserne er sat lavt, fordi La Regina ønsker at blive mere kendt i Danmark.


Roma 15, IV, 1960.

Dear Køpcke,
While I confirm you my partecipation to the collective show
in Germany, I communicate you that I’ve written to Köln
giving disposition of mailing to your gallery twenty-two
oil paintings and seexteen temperas and smaltos on paper.
Among these works you can chose the ones you think most
suitable for the exposition. About the expenses , I think
that in we three can share all, included the part of the
sculpturist non more exposing. Let me know the amount of
money I owe; you can keep it back from the sale of works,
otherwise tell me how.
You can keep in your gallery the remaining paintings -those
not chosen for the show- and represent me for the sale of
them retaining the 33% on the prices - see the included
list - I have kept low prices for facilitating the job
and in the meantime for getting a larger divulgation of
my Danemark.
Let me know something about. Best regards and wishes.

Sincerely yours,
La Regina




  • Tyskland
  • Köln
  • Danmark

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv