
Arthur Køpckes Arkiv



Tadeusz Blazejowski


Arthur Køpcke


Blazejowski takker for Køpckes brev og hans invitation til at udstille hos ham. Han vil meget gerne komme til København, men kan ikke gøre det i nær fremtid på grund af arbejde. Måske kan de ordne det pr. brev, hvis Køpcke er enig, vil han meget gerne sende de nødvendige oplysninger og fotografier af sine arbejder. Han vil meget gerne have en udstilling og foreslår, at det kunne blive i august 1960.


Tadeusz Blazejowski
W a r z a w a 33.
Obroncov 29
Warzawa, September 28th, 1959

Dear Sir.
I acknowledge with thanks your kind letter, dated 15th
inst., regarding your suggestion to make an exhibition
of my paintings in your gallery.
I should very much like to come to Copenhagen, however
this is in the nearest future rather impossible, as I
am very busy with work.
Perhaps it would be possible to discuss this matter by
way of exchange of letters. If so, I should be glad to
receive a letter with your agreement and then I should
be glad to send you all necessary data and some photo-
graphs of my works.
I will be very glad if it will be possible to make an
exhibition of my paintings in your gallery. As regards
the date of the exhibition, in my opinion, same could
take place, at the earliest, in August 1960.
Awaiting the favour of your reply, I remain, dear Sir,

Yours very truly

T Blasejowski
A. K ö p c k e, Esq.




  • København

Aros, Arthur Køpckes Arkiv